
1. Deposits
You can use only Bitcoins (BTC), Litecoins (LTC), purchase the card to protect and secure the privacy  between buyer and seller.

2. Refunds  
Refund time for Dumps – 1 day.
Refund time for CC – 2 day.
Refunds only for pick-up/lost/stolen/no account codes, the other cases is individual.*
*Currently, a new format of refunds applies. TYC: Trust Your Client.
What does it mean? You know your
craft? We trust you.
You telling that the line don’t work for you?
We sell good stuff for a years and we know how good is our
Most of you have no reasons to cheat us but if someone will try
–  we’ll know it right away.

6. Staff
Feel free to chat with support via Contacts section or using following contacts:
Telegram: @freshstuff88